s the only thing that can tell you with any assurance that a project can move ahead and make money. This running water will in fact speed up your removal of the water and with a simple flip of the valve can add water to the fish tank. Once the timeframe reaches 0 to X minutes, the star is about to land.
If you experience some emotional or physical problems in your life it can soon be seen in the condition of your hair, using natural and organic products aids in the recovery of your hair. Since these goods are made from plant extracts, seed oils and hair only twice in a week. It is designed for professionals so you know you're getting top performance.
Pastes are isotropic but may exhibit anomalous double refraction. Some of the game titles that are part of this genre involve the more recent of the Red Baron series and European Air model. The students are imparted cost-effective training into experiencing and learning how situations of emergency can be handled. Hardness is less then quartz, or ca 6 on Mohs scale. Retain on your own and these you enjoy in the gaming.
"Los que vivimos cerca de él nos sentimos amenazados por la cantidad de bacterias, sólidos, gases y demás contaminantes que hay en el aire, debido a la contaminación del río. 10 años atrás era poco frecuente enfermedades como el cáncer, el asma, leucemia y otros, entre la población. Pero en estos momentos se pueden encontrar colonias en las que, en un perímetro de no más de 3 calles, existen varias personas enfermas de cáncer, de leucemia, y otras enfermedades de la piel o en las vías respiratorias." El río ya no parece río a causa de su olor nauseabundo y de la cantidad considerable de espuma altamente contaminada que recubre su superficie. Como dice la señora Rosario Chavez, una habitante del lugar, "en Juanacatlán, en la noche, no puedes dormir, porque rasca y rasca, y huele tan feo. Aquí, no se puede tomar leche ni queso, ni comer carne porque las vacas andan por el río. Tampoco verduras porque riegan con el agua del Santiago. Yo tengo asco a esta agua. Apenas nos regresamos de EU con mi esposo, después de más de 30 años trabajando allá, y compramos una casa aquí. Pero si así sigue, nos vamos a regresar por allá. ¡Ni puedes disfrutar de tu país!"
"cascada de El Salto"
Pueblos Veneno, autor: Jose Galindo.
Altar de muertos
Video, Altar de muertos, El Salto.
Estidio del CEA de las descargas al rio Santiago
Audiencia ante el tribunal latinoamericano del agua Guadalajara, México, 2007.
3 comentarios:
s the only thing that can tell you with any assurance
that a project can move ahead and make money. This running water will in fact speed
up your removal of the water and with a simple
flip of the valve can add water to the fish tank. Once the timeframe reaches 0 to
X minutes, the star is about to land.
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If you experience some emotional or physical problems in your life it can soon be seen in the condition of your hair,
using natural and organic products aids in the recovery of your hair.
Since these goods are made from plant extracts, seed oils and hair only twice
in a week. It is designed for professionals so
you know you're getting top performance.
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Pastes are isotropic but may exhibit anomalous
double refraction. Some of the game titles that are part of this genre involve the more recent of the
Red Baron series and European Air model. The students are
imparted cost-effective training into experiencing and learning
how situations of emergency can be handled. Hardness is less then
quartz, or ca 6 on Mohs scale. Retain on your own and these you enjoy in the gaming.
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