

A la miri, meri, mir... homenaje a lo...


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A la miri, meri, mir... is a documentation of a performative action at the river Lerma-Santiago in Guadalajara, Mexico. The Lerma- Santiago is one of the largest rivers in the country and one, if not the most, polluted. Over 200 industries dump their toxic wastes along their basin. The most critical point is at he waterfalls of El Salto de Juanacatlán. Neighbors of the bordering towns suffer high levels of related deseases like leucemia, cancer, tumors, lung affections and others while the government sustains an indifferent attitude. The grass root organisation Agrupación Un Salto de Vida leaders a brave fight to inform their fellow citizens and stage protests and conferences to make their plight known beyond the borders of the affected towns

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